Shocking Video Emerges of Father Allowing Little Son to Pilot Private Plane. Father’s Reckless Act Leads to Fatal Plane Crash, Claiming Both His and Son’s Lives. Authorities in Brazil are currently investigating a disturbing incident where a video has emerged, revealing a father consuming a bottle of beer while his 11-year-old son operates their private plane. This reckless behavior is being assessed to determine if it took place shortly before the fatal crash that tragically claimed the lives of both the father and son. Ana Pridonic, Garon Maia’s wife and the boy’s stepmother, shot herself after the funeral on Tuesday.

This video has recently come to light capturing a deeply unsettling incident involving a father and his 11-year-old son aboard a private plane. In the footage, the father, identified as Garon Maia, can be seen handing over control of their twin-engine Beechcraft Baron 58 to his young son, Francisco Maia, while he casually indulges in consuming beer. This distressing display of parental judgment has now raised numerous concerns and triggered an ongoing investigation in Brazil.
The video has ignited a wave of shock and disbelief as viewers struggle to comprehend the reasoning behind such a reckless act. The immediate question that arises is the matter of safety measures and whether appropriate precautions were in place during the ill-fated flight.
Vídeo mostra filho do pecuarista Garon Maia, de 12 anos, pilotando avião que caiu em uma área de mata fechada na divisa entre Rondônia e Mato Grosso. Os dois morreram no acidente @meionorte
— Meio Norte (@meionorte) July 30, 2023
The ramifications of this ill-conceived decision tragically manifested themselves when the plane crashed between the states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso on July 29, resulting in the devastating loss of both Garon Maia, aged 42 and young Francisco Maia, aged 11.
The repercussions of this grievous incident extend beyond the personal sphere, raising broader concerns about the responsibility associated with aircraft operation and the potential consequences when such responsibilities are disregarded. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the paramount importance of adhering to strict safety protocols, especially when the lives of vulnerable individuals, such as children, are involved.
Garon Maia death Explain –

After the tragic funeral of Garon Maia and his son on Tuesday, the community was left in shock when further news unfolded. Ana Pridonik, the wife of Garon Maia and stepmother to the young child, was discovered at their residence with a reported self-inflicted gunshot wound. The incident sent waves of disbelief and sadness throughout the neighborhood.
The devastating turn of events left many questioning what could have driven Ana Pridonik to such a desperate act. Friends and neighbors described the couple as loving and devoted to their family, leaving them perplexed about what might have transpired behind closed doors.
As the investigation into this tragedy continues, the community holds onto the hope that healing and understanding will emerge in time. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends impacted by this heartbreaking loss.