Siddharth Abhishek Nigam Birthday – The 20th birthday of Siddharth Nigam and Abhishek Nigam was celebrated at their home on September 13 at 12:00 by cutting the cake. His birthday celebrations included Aladdin Show Co-actor Ashi Singh and Best Friends Jannat Zubair, Vaishnavi Rao etc. Siddharth and Abhishek had a lot of fun with everyone. Sidd and Abhi Shared Pictures of Birthday Celebration. Now You Will Enjoy it here.
Nigam Brother Birthday Images 2020 –

Siddaharth Nigam Birthday 2020 Celebration Images –

Abhishek Nigam Birthday Celebration Images 2020-

Jannat Zubair Shared Birthday Pictures –

Siddharth Abhishek Birthday – Jannat Zubair while wishing Siddharth and Abhishek Nigam has told us that we will get to see this birthday celebration vlog on Siddharth Nigam’s Youtube Channel Very Soon.
Vaishnavi Rao Shared Birthday Pictures –

Birthday Wishes from Avneet Kaur –

Siddharth Nigam and Avneet Kaur have a very good friedship, and we all know that Avneet Kaur and Siddharth Nigam are also called the best couple by fans. Avneet Kaur is shooting for next music video. She is shooting in Goa with Riyaz Aly, So She has not been able to attend on Siddharth’s birthday celebration, but avneet has shared her siddahrth pictures on instagram and wish to him their. But Some reporters gave this fake news of siddharth Nigam and avneet kaur have breakup,so avneet did not come up, This is fake News, So don’t belive it. Siddharth and Avneet are and will always be the best friend.
All Birthday Wishes –